Mga napulot ko sa aking pagala-gala... (Picked up from my wandering about...)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Monsieur Ibrahim et Les Fleurs du Coran - Eric Emmanuel Schmitt

Excerpt from the German-French book my foster sister sent me from Switzerland and a shot at translation:

Lorsque tu veux savoir si tu es dans un endroit riche ou pauvre, tu regardes les poubelles. Si tu vois ni ordures ni poubelles, cest tres riche. Si tu vois des poubelles et pas d'ordures, c'est riche. Si tu vois des ordures a cote des poubelles, c'est ni riche ni pauvre: c'est touristique. Si tu vois les ordures sans les poubelles, c'est pauvre. Et si les gens habitent dans les ordures, c'est tres tres pauvre.

If you want to know if the place you're in is rich or poor, look at the trashcans. If you don't find any trash nor trashcans, it's a very rich place. If you find trashcans but no trash, it's a rich place. If you see trash beside the trashcans, it's neither rich nor poor: it's touristy. If you see trash with no trashcans, it's poor. If there are people living in the trash, it is very very poor.

*How accurate is it? The translation and his observation? I would highly recommend this book to French learners since it's a pretty easy read (easier for me than 'The Little Prince') and it's got some interesting words to add to your vocabulary. They even made a movie of it but I haven't watched it yet.

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